ICRCM's Reliability Academy

Terms and Conditions

General Scope

These terms and conditions refer to the ICRCM Reliability Academy website accessible via www.certifyrcm.com, or any of its variations. This is the official website of the ICRCM Reliability Academy, which is an affiliate of the ICRCM.org.  The website is subject to constant developments and enhancements, and information it contains, is subject to change without notice. ICRCM Reliability Academy makes every effort to ensure content is accurate.

Intellectual Property

The website and its entire contents, features and functionality (including but not limited to all information, software, text, displays, images, video and audio, and the design, selection and arrangement thereof), are owned by the ICRCM, its licensors or other providers of such material and are protected by United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws. The material may not be copied, modified, reproduced, downloaded or distributed in any way, in whole or in part, without the express prior written permission of the ICRCM, unless and except as is expressly provided in these Terms & Conditions. Any unauthorized use or sharing of the material is prohibited.


Links to external websites

The ICRCM Reliability Academy is not responsible for the content of any external
website/s that may link to or from our website.  
We make every effort to ensure external links are free from viruses, but accept no liability for damage caused by viruses acquired from or appearing to have been acquired from the ICRCM Reliability Academy website.

Prospectus Information

This edition of the prospectus describes the services and courses that the Academy intends to offer in the coming academic year. We make every effort to ensure our prospectus information is as accurate as possible at the time of printing.  However, this information is subject to change over time and it is important that you check the Academy’s website for the most up to date information. Where changes have been made to the information set out in the prospectus, any significant changes to a course will be notified to any prospective student who has registered an interest in the program and also notified to applicants at the time of making an offer. If you have any comments about the prospectus, please contact us at Certify@icrcm.org  

The ICRCM Reliability Academy will do all that it reasonably can do to provide educational and certification services as described on its website and prospectus. Sometimes circumstances beyond our control mean that we cannot provide such educational services. This might be because of, for example:

  • Industrial action by Academy staff or third parties
  • The unanticipated departure or absence of key members of Academy staff
  • Acts of terrorism
  • Acts of any government or local authority
  • Epidemic or pandemic of disease
  • Acts or conditions of war or insurrection
  • Academic changes within subject areas
  • Where the numbers recruited to a course are so low that it is not possible to
    deliver an appropriate quality of education for students enrolled on it
In these circumstances, the Academy will take all reasonable steps to minimize the resultant disruption to those services, for example by making reasonable modifications, but to the full extent that it is possible under the general law, the ICRCM Reliability Academy excludes liability for any loss and/or damage suffered by any applicant. The modifications we make may be to the:
  • Content and syllabus of courses, including in relation to placements
  • Timetable, location and number of lessons
  • Content or method of delivery of courses of study
  • Examination process
  • Timing and method of assessment
Many of the changes that we make are in response to feedback from students and are intended to improve the experience of students and student outcomes. Where circumstances demand an unavoidable change or where it is necessary for the Academy to discontinue a course of study, the Academy will take reasonable steps to minimize the effect for applicants and all significant changes will be notified promptly as set out above.

You should also be aware that some of the programs listed in the prospectus are subject to final approval. In the unlikely event that a course is not approved by its start date, the course will not run and you will not be able to take up your place. Should this happen, you will be informed by the ICRCM Reliability Academy and assistance will be provided to those who have been offered a place
to find a suitable alternative course at the Academy. Where a course is awaiting final approval, this will be indicated clearly in the course’s entry in the online prospectus.

The prospectus describes the courses we offer. As a student, you receive further material describing the teaching, examination, assessment and other educational services, and information on the social side of student life at the time that any offer is made to you and subsequently upon enrolment. Your application to the Academy will be considered in accordance with the Academy’s Admissions Policies and Procedures.

Should you continue on, to enroll as a student of the Academy, you will be asked to agree to these Terms and Conditions, and your studies will be undertaken and governed by, and in accordance with, the Academy’s Student Regulations, Academic Behavior Policies and Procedures.

ID Verification

Due to the nature of our business, the integrity of our Certification Programs require Identity Verification.  You may be required to furnish us with a clear copy of your Photo ID and a Selfie Photo of you holding that same ID next to your face for the purposes of Identification Verification before your Enrollment can be completed as this is a condition of enrollment at our Academy.

The Academy’s policies on Fraud

If we have reason to believe you, or any person acting on your behalf, has provided false information, omitted relevant information, made any misrepresentation and/or provided counterfeit or forged documents while applying for a place, tuition fees assessment, or Mandatory or Discretionary Award, we will take the steps necessary to establish the authenticity of the information. If we suspect fraud, we can share information with outside investigative agencies.  If they conclude fraud has taken place, we have the right to cancel your application, withdraw any offer of a place and rescind your student status and revoke any and terminate all active Professional Certifications issued by the International Council on Reliability Centered Management (ICRCM). We will ask you to provide further information or documentation in relation to your application or student status.

Student Conduct

Enrollment and participation in our professional training courses and or Professional Certification Programs/Courses is contingent upon your agreement to these Terms and Conditions.  One such condition is Student Academic Behavior. As an enrolled Student, you agree to follow the progressive study program as presented and described in the Progressive Learning section of this
website.  Any attempts to skip over, subvert, speed up or copy course content may be grounds for dismissal, loss of enrollment and revocation of future participation and loss of any and all Course/Program Enrollment fees.  As a professional certification organization, we reserve the right
to demand professional, honest and forthright behavior from all course participants at all times.

Your online behavior while taking our training may be monitored and recorded. Patterns and events in this collected data may be used this to make such judgements about your academic behavior in the event of an Academic Review.  Academic Reviews may be called for by but are not limited to
events such as the failure of Certification Final Exams etc.  Such recorded Data may include but not limited to:

  • Locational Login Data
  • Delays in 2 Part Authentication responses
  • ISP Data
  • Active Video Watch time
  • Mouse/Keyboard Behavior
  • Video playback speed above 1.25:1
  • Delays between lesson end and quiz completion
  • Attempts to Copy or Record Course or Quiz materials
Prior to being allowed to retake a Final Exam your data will be reviewed by administrators and a determination to allow or to deny will be issued.


 It is highly recommended you review our PROGRESSIVE LEARNING Section BEFORE enrolling in a course.



                                   ©All rights reserved, ICRCM Reliability Academy

